Insulator Retainer

About this product

The Insulator Retainer (#87615-42010), an essential electrical component within the Battery & Battery Cable system, plays a critical role in maintaining electrical safety and functionality in Toyota vehicles. This part is primarily tasked with securely holding the insulator in place, promoting optimal electrical insulation and preventing potential short circuits. Its importance lies in its ability to protect the electrical system, and therefore the overall vehicle, from electrical faults. As with all auto parts, the Insulator Retainer (#87615-42010) is subject to wear and tear over time. If left unchecked, an old or damaged Insulator Retainer (#87615-42010) could compromise the electrical insulation, leading to possible electrical malfunctions which can damage the battery and other components. Choosing genuine Toyota parts, like the Insulator Retainer (#87615-42010), ensures compatibility with your vehicle. All genuine Toyota parts come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Therefore, periodic inspection and timely replacement of this part is crucial, contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's electrical system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87615-42010

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