Outside Molding Retainer

About this product

The Outside Molding Retainer (#75392-42030), a crucial component in the Body Front Bumper & Bumper Stay system and the Body Mudguard & Spoiler system among others, plays a pivotal role in holding the vehicle's exterior moldings securely. This part is instrumental in maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle's exterior by keeping the moldings firmly in place while the vehicle is in operation. Over time, however, it may wear out or become damaged, compromising its effectiveness. If left unattended, a faulty molding retainer can result in loosened moldings that may harm the vehicle's aerodynamics or cause potential safety hazards. Genuine Toyota parts like this are recommended for perfect vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Therefore, periodic replacement is advised for the Outside Molding Retainer (#75392-42030). Its role certainly contributes to the overall efficiency as well as the safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 75392-42030

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