Quarter Trim Retainer Upper

About this product

The Quarter Trim Retainer Upper (#61751-60040), a crucial component in the Toyota Side Member system, plays a pivotal role in holding the quarter trim panel in place. This Body part is instrumental in maintaining the panel's alignment, alleviating excessive vibrations and noise while the vehicle is in motion. Since it is constantly exposed to vibrations and wear, it may become worn out over time. A faulty Quarter Trim Retainer Upper (#61751-60040) can cause irregularities in the vehicle's body alignment, leading to increased noise and potential risk of damage to the trim panel. Therefore, periodic replacement of this retainer is highly recommended. Opting for a genuine Toyota retainer gives you the advantage of vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part, functioning at its best, contributes significantly to the overall safety and smooth operation of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61751-60040

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