Rear Bumper Filler Retainer #2

About this product

The Rear Bumper Filler Retainer #2 (#52562-02300), an essential component in the Rear Bumper & Bumper Stay system, performs a primary role in holding the bumper filler in place. This part helps to maintain the integrity and structural balance of the system by securing the bumper filler, which bridges the gap between the bumper and the body of the vehicle. Over time, the Rear Bumper Filler Retainer #2 (#52562-02300) may wear out, become clogged or break, leading to a loose or unsecured bumper filler. This can affect the vehicle's aerodynamics and the bumper's ability to absorb impacts effectively. As such, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended, not only for vehicle compatibility but also for the benefit of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the functionality of the Rear Bumper Filler Retainer #2 (#52562-02300), one can contribute to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 52562-12230
Part Number 52562-02300

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