Rear Seat Back Pivot Retainer Lower Left Hand

About this product

The Rear Seat Back Pivot Retainer Lower Left Hand (#61648-62010) is a crucial auto part in Toyota's Side Member system. As a body element, it is primarily responsible for securely holding the seat back in place, enabling it to pivot in a controlled manner, thereby promoting passenger comfort and safety. This functioning involves interacting with other components, such as the seat frame and pivot mechanism. However, over time, this part can become worn, compromised, or even break, which could lead to instability of the seat back, posing potential safety risks. This underlines the need for periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which are designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Rear Seat Back Pivot Retainer Lower Left Hand (#61648-62010) plays a vital role in enhancing the safety and efficiency of the vehicle's seating arrangement, contributing to the overall performance and comfort of your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61648-62010

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