Side Panel Retainer #1

About this product

The Side Panel Retainer #1 (#61158-08010), a critical body part in the Side Member system of your Toyota, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle. This retainer functions by securely holding the side panels in place, providing a stable and secure connection between various parts of the vehicle's body. Over time, Side Panel Retainer #1 (#61158-08010)s can become worn or damaged, potentially leading to a loosening of the side panels. A loose or damaged panel can negatively affect the vehicle’s aerodynamics, and in severe cases, compromise the safety of the vehicle. Toyota's genuine Side Panel Retainer #1 (#61158-08010)s, backed by our genuine parts warranty, offer top compatibility with your vehicle. It's important to periodically inspect and replace this part as needed, to maintain the car's performance and safety. As part of the Side Member system, this part contributes significantly to the overall stability and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61158-08010

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