Stereo Opening Cover Retainer #1

About this product

The Stereo Opening Cover Retainer #1 (#55541-35010-B0), a primary component of the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, is crucial for maintaining the aesthetic and functional integrity of your Toyota vehicle's stereo system. This auto part plays an essential role in holding the stereo system in place and keeping it secure during vehicle operation. The retainer ensures the stereo system's stability, which in turn contributes to better audio performance and improved safety. The importance of using genuine Toyota parts for compatibility cannot be overstated. Genuine parts like the Stereo Opening Cover Retainer #1 (#55541-35010-B0) are supported by Toyota's parts warranty. Over time, this retainer may wear out or break, impacting the stereo system's stability and potentially causing other components to malfunction. Mitigating such issues necessitates periodic replacement of the part. The Stereo Opening Cover Retainer #1 (#55541-35010-B0)'s proper function significantly enhances the overall efficiency of the system and, by extension, the enjoyment and safety offered by your vehicle's stereo system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55541-35010-B0
Color Name Dk.Gray

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