Back Door Striker Si Retainer Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Back Door Striker Si Retainer Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#61088-60030), a crucial body part seated within the Side Member system of Toyota vehicles, plays a vital role in ensuring the proper functioning of the back door. The mechanism involves a striker that latches onto the door lock, allowing the door to close securely. Genuine Toyota parts, such as this, are essential for optimal vehicle compatibility and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part could become worn or broken, impacting the door's ability to latch properly, compromising both safety and convenience. Hence, periodic replacement is necessary to maintain its functioning. By maintaining the integrity of the car's back door, the Back Door Striker Si Retainer Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#61088-60030) contributes significantly to the overall safety and convenience of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61088-60030

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