Cool Air Intake Duct Retainer Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Cool Air Intake Duct Retainer Sub-Assembly (#53207-21011), a key component in Toyota's Front Fender Apron & Dash Panel system, serves a vital role in optimizing engine performance. This part directs cool air towards the engine, enhancing combustion efficiency, and subsequently, the vehicle's power output. Genuine parts, like this, offer seamless compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the retainer sub-assembly may age or become clogged, which can hinder optimal airflow. If this occurs, it's crucial to replace the component promptly to avoid potential engine overheating or reduced fuel efficiency. In a nutshell, the Cool Air Intake Duct Retainer Sub-Assembly (#53207-21011) is pivotal to maintaining the engine's health and maximizing your Toyota's overall performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 53207-21010
Part Number 53207-21011

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