Switch Retainer

About this product

The Switch Retainer (#84739-30020), a pivotal component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of Toyota vehicles, is responsible for holding various switches in place. This small yet crucial electrical part helps maintain the order and functionality of the system. The Switch Retainer (#84739-30020) is specifically designed for vehicle compatibility, thus promoting optimal performance. Over time, with constant use, the retainer may become worn out, compromised, or even break. When this happens, switches can become loose or displaced, disrupting the coordination of the system and potentially leading to electrical failures. Consequently, periodic replacement of the Switch Retainer (#84739-30020) is essential. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Switch Retainer (#84739-30020), are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By contributing to system stability and preventing potential electrical malfunctions, the Switch Retainer (#84739-30020) enhances the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84739-30020

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