
About this product

The Ring (#21655-11040), a pivotal part of the Carburetor system in Toyota engine-fuel units, performs a crucial role in sealing various internal passages. This component helps maintain optimum fuel-flow and aids in reducing leakage, thus facilitating a smooth, efficient drive. When the Ring (#21655-11040) is in operation, it works seamlessly with other components, such as the float and needle, to regulate fuel supply. Over time, the Ring (#21655-11040) may wear out, become clogged, or even break, impacting overall system efficiency. A degraded Ring (#21655-11040) could lead to fuel leakage or unregulated fuel flow, potentially causing severe engine damage. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is essential. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended to maintain vehicle compatibility. Plus, these authentic parts come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind to the owner. The Ring (#21655-11040), in its prime condition, contributes to the system's efficiency and maintains the safety and performance of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 21655-11040

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