Cover Ring

About this product

The Toyota Cover Ring (#81112-47380) is an essential electrical part in the Headlamp system. This part plays a significant role in securing the headlamp and providing a safe and secure connection. The Cover Ring (#81112-47380) creates a seal between the headlamp and the surrounding frame, ensuring resilience against weather conditions and road debris. It is crucial to replace this part periodically, as a damaged or worn-out Cover Ring (#81112-47380) might allow moisture or dirt to enter the headlamp, impacting its performance and potentially leading to a safety hazard. Operating with genuine Toyota parts, such as the Cover Ring (#81112-47380), contributes to optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Not to mention, they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part not only enhances the efficiency of the Headlamp system but also contributes significantly to the safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 81110-48E20;81110-48E30;81110-28G20;81150-48E40;81150-48E30;81150-48E20;81150-28G20;81110-48E40
Part Number 81112-47380

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