Hole Snap Ring

About this product

The Hole Snap Ring (#90521-62002), a crucial Drive-Chassis component in the Vane Pump & Reservoir (Power Steering) system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the overall power steering system's integrity and functionality. This piece functions to secure other vital parts in place, ensuring smooth operation and preventing potential misalignment or dislodgement during vehicle operation. The necessity for periodic replacement of the Hole Snap Ring (#90521-62002) is vital. A worn, clogged, or non-functional ring could cause misalignment of related parts, leading to inefficient power steering operation or even system failure. Remember, using genuine Toyota parts, like the Hole Snap Ring (#90521-62002), ensures compatibility with your vehicle, and these parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing added peace of mind. Ultimately, the Hole Snap Ring (#90521-62002) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the power steering system, delivering a reliable and controlled driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90080-52022
Part Number 90521-62002

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