Hole Snap Ring

About this product

The Hole Snap Ring (#90521-99116), a crucial Drive-Chassis part within the Transfer Gear system, plays a significant role in maintaining the essential cohesion of the system. As its name suggests, the Snap Ring neatly and firmly snaps into place, thereby securing other components within the gear assembly. If this part fails to function, it may result in the dislocation of other parts, leading to a potential breakdown of the Transfer Gear system. Using genuine Toyota auto parts like the Hole Snap Ring (#90521-99116) not only enhances vehicle compatibility but also comes with the added assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. It's crucial to replace the Snap Ring periodically. If it becomes worn out, it might slip out of place or break, causing possible damage to the entire system. In essence, by ensuring the stability and integrity of other parts, the Hole Snap Ring (#90521-99116) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle's Transfer Gear system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90521-99116

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