Hole Snap Ring

About this product

The Hole Snap Ring (#SU003-03551), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Manual Transmission Gear system, plays a key role in securing components and maintaining alignment within the transmission system. As your vehicle operates, this ring ensures a snug fit for the gears, allowing smooth and efficient shifting. With time and use, the Hole Snap Ring (#SU003-03551) might wear out or break, causing misalignment, potential gear slippage, and disrupted transmission function. Replacing it periodically with a genuine Toyota part not only provides compatibility with your vehicle, but is also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Hole Snap Ring (#SU003-03551)'s optimal function is central to the overall efficiency and safety of the transmission system, making it essential for the seamless operation of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03551

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