Horn Contact Ring

About this product

The Horn Contact Ring (#45176-20030), a vital Drive-Chassis component in the Steering Wheel system, plays a crucial role in ensuring the functionality of the car's horn. This part works by establishing an electrical connection that triggers the horn mechanism when the horn button is pressed. Failure to regularly replace this part could lead to a malfunctioning or non-operational horn, which may compromise safety as the horn is essential for warning other drivers or pedestrians. Genuine Toyota Horn Contact Ring (#45176-20030)s are key for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, underlining their quality and reliability. In conclusion, a well-functioning Horn Contact Ring (#45176-20030) is instrumental in maintaining the safety and efficiency of the vehicle's Steering Wheel system. It's a simple component with a significant impact.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 45176-22020
Part Number 45176-20030

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