Input Shaft Oil Seal Ring Rear

About this product

The Input Shaft Oil Seal Ring Rear (#35749-48020), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Planetary Gear, Reverse Piston & Counter Gear (Automatic Transmission) system, plays an essential role in maintaining efficient transmission performance. This part primarily assists in sealing the connection between the transmission and the engine, preventing oil leakage. Genuine parts like this are compatible with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Input Shaft Oil Seal Ring Rear (#35749-48020) can wear out or become damaged, impacting the transmission's performance and potentially leading to damage or oil leaks. Consequently, periodic replacement is necessary to safeguard the transmission and maintain optimal vehicle operation. A fully functional Input Shaft Oil Seal Ring Rear (#35749-48020) contributes significantly to the overall safety, efficiency, and longevity of the car's transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35749-48020

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