O Ring

About this product

The O Ring (#96711-35030), a crucial engine-fuel component, resides within the distributor system of a vehicle. Its principal job is to create a tight seal between two or more parts, preventing leakage of fluids or gases. This small, yet vital part, is integral in maintaining the efficiency and proper function of the distributor system. With time, an O Ring (#96711-35030) can become worn, potentially causing leaks and reduced efficiency. Therefore, it's necessary to replace it periodically with a genuine Toyota part for optimal compatibility. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, it offers reliability and peace of mind. A properly functioning O Ring (#96711-35030) contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle by maintaining the integrity of the distributor system, thus ensuring a smooth and efficient operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 96710-03031;96710-03030;96710-04030
Part Number 96711-35030

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