Set Ring

About this product

The Set Ring (#90522-48044) is an essential auto part for the Drive-Chassis Front Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system as well as the Drive-Chassis Rear Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system under Toyota Autoparts. This part plays a primary role in maintaining the caliper assembly, facilitating seamless operation of the brake system. The Set Ring (#90522-48044) aids in binding the caliper and the dust cover together, enhancing the stability and occurrence of the braking action. Over time and usage, this part may wear out or break, calling for its periodic replacement. If ignored or left non-functional, it could lead to instability in the brake system, causing potential safety issues. Toyota Autoparts always recommend using genuine parts for compatibility with your vehicle. These are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering you peace of mind with your purchase. In conclusion, the Set Ring (#90522-48044) plays a significant role in ensuring the efficiency and safety of the braking system in Toyota vehicles.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90522-48044

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