Set Ring

About this product

The Set Ring (#90522-53001), a crucial Drive-Chassis component in the Rear Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system, serves a pivotal role in stabilizing and securing the brake caliper. As the vehicle is in operation, the Set Ring (#90522-53001) ensures the caliper remains firmly attached to the disc. Genuine Toyota Set Ring (#90522-53001)s are designed to be perfectly compatible with your vehicle and come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Set Ring (#90522-53001) becomes worn or damaged, the brake caliper may loosen, resulting in decreased braking efficiency or even failure. Regular replacement of the Set Ring (#90522-53001) is vital to maintain the safety and performance of your Toyota's braking system. In conclusion, the Set Ring (#90522-53001) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle by ensuring the optimal functionality of the brake caliper system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90522-53001

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