Synchro Ring Set

About this product

The Synchro Ring Set (#SU003-03887), a crucial component in the Transmission Gear (Mtm) system for the Drive-Chassis, plays a paramount role in maintaining smooth and efficient gear transitions. As a part of the gear synchronizer system, it allows the gear and the shaft to gradually adjust to the same speed before they engage, hence, preventing gear grinding and damage. The genuine Toyota Synchro Ring Set (#SU003-03887) is specifically designed for compatibility with Toyota vehicles, and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Synchro Ring Set (#SU003-03887) becomes old or breaks, it may result in difficult and noisy gear shifts, or even damage to the transmission system. This part contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the system by ensuring that the transmission works smoothly and safely, reducing the overall wear and tear on the gears, while enhancing the driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03887

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