Shaft Snap Ring

About this product

The Shaft Snap Ring (#90080-52100), a critical component in the Body Front Door Window Regulator & Hinge and the Body Rear Door Window Regulator & Hinge systems, is crucial for stable window operation in your Toyota vehicle. The Shaft Snap Ring (#90080-52100) holds parts of the window system in place, allowing for smooth, unhindered operation. When functional, this small but mighty Toyota Autopart greatly contributes to the safety and efficiency of a vehicle. However, over time, the Shaft Snap Ring (#90080-52100) can wear out or break, compromising the functionality of the window systems. If such a failure occurs, it could lead to a stuck or loose window, posing a safety risk or causing inconvenience. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Shaft Snap Ring (#90080-52100) is vital. Opt for genuine Toyota parts for compatibility with your vehicle. Remember, Toyota backs its parts with a genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the health of your Shaft Snap Ring (#90080-52100), you can enjoy smooth, safe window operation in your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90080-52100

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