Snap Ring

About this product

The Snap Ring (#96150-01800) is a significant Drive-Chassis part in the Clutch Pedal & Flexible Hose system of a Toyota vehicle. This circular fastener is designed to hold components or assemblies onto a shaft or in a housing/bore when installed in a groove. During operation, it keeps these elements firmly in place, preventing unwanted movement and ensuring the correct function of the system. Being a small but integral part of the system, its regular replacement is crucial. Over time, a Snap Ring (#96150-01800) may wear down, break, or become non-functional, which could lead to system failure or damage to related components. Using genuine Toyota parts not only ensures compatibility with your vehicle but is also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Snap Ring (#96150-01800) is a vital component that contributes towards the efficiency and safety of the Clutch Pedal & Flexible Hose system. By keeping other parts in their correct positions, it helps maintain the smooth operation of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 96150-01800

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