Synchronizer Ring Middle #1

About this product

The Synchronizer Ring Middle #1 (#33376-0W010) is a crucial component within the Transmission Gear system of manual Toyota vehicles. As a part of the Drive-Chassis, its primary role is to facilitate smooth shifting between gears while the vehicle is in operation. It achieves this by matching the speed of the gears before they engage, preventing any grinding or jarring sensations during gear changes. Over time, wear and tear can degrade the Synchronizer Ring Middle #1 (#33376-0W010), causing it to lose effectiveness. This could lead to harsh gear shifts, and if left unchecked, potentially damage the transmission system. Hence, periodic replacement of this part is necessary. Choosing genuine Toyota parts ensures vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, a well-functioning Synchronizer Ring Middle #1 (#33376-0W010) contributes to the overall efficiency of your vehicle's transmission system, providing a smoother, safer driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33376-0W010

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