
About this product

The Rod (#44606-35100), a crucial Drive-Chassis part within the Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a principal role in ensuring the optimal operation of your braking system. The Rod (#44606-35100) transfers the force from your brake pedal to the booster, contributing to the overall braking efficiency. The performance of the Rod (#44606-35100) directly impacts the safety and performance of your vehicle. However, with time, the Rod (#44606-35100) can wear out, get clogged or break. A compromised Rod (#44606-35100) could hamper the vehicle's braking ability, leading to potentially hazardous scenarios. To maintain compatibility with your vehicle, always opt for genuine Toyota Autoparts. All genuine parts, including the Rod (#44606-35100), are validated by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. With a new, genuine Rod (#44606-35100) in place, you can expect enhanced safety and superior performance from your Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 44606-20460;44606-30050
Part Number 44606-35100

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