
About this product

The Rod (#45460-39215), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Front Steering Gear & Link system in Toyota vehicles, serves an integral role in ensuring the smooth operation of your car. As a central component in the steering mechanism, the Rod (#45460-39215) works to transmit force from the steering center link or the rack gear to the steering knuckle, enabling the wheels to turn. This pivotal role necessitates periodic replacement of the Rod (#45460-39215). An old or non-functional Rod (#45460-39215) can cause the steering system to fail, leading to potential accidents. Moreover, a broken Rod (#45460-39215) may cause a misalignment of the wheels, affecting the overall driving experience. Using genuine Toyota parts, such as the Rod (#45460-39215), allows for optimal vehicle compatibility. These parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, signifying their quality and reliability. In conclusion, the Rod (#45460-39215) significantly contributes to not only the efficiency of the steering system but also the safety of the vehicle and its passengers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 45460-39215

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