Rod Detent

About this product

The Rod Detent (#SU003-00923) is a necessary Drive-Chassis part that exists within the Shift Lever & Retainer system of a vehicle. This component's primary function is to control the movement of the shift lever, thereby ensuring the smooth shifting of gears. In partnership with other parts in the shift lever system, the Rod Detent (#SU003-00923) ensures your vehicle transitions smoothly between gears. However, a worn-out or broken Rod Detent (#SU003-00923) can lead to a malfunctioning shifting mechanism, causing misaligned gears or rough transitions. Genuine Toyota Autoparts, like the Rod Detent (#SU003-00923), are highly recommended for optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Moreover, this part plays a vital role in the efficiency of your drive system. A properly functioning Rod Detent (#SU003-00923) contributes to a smooth and comfortable driving experience, impacting the overall safety and effectiveness of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00923

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