Power Back Door Rod

About this product

The Power Back Door Rod (#85475-0C010), a critical component in the Back Door Lock & Hinge system, contributes significantly to the safety and functionality of your Toyota. This part is primarily responsible for moving the locking mechanism, ensuring the back door of your vehicle can be securely closed and opened. As with all mechanical parts, the Power Back Door Rod (#85475-0C010) can experience wear and tear over time. A worn or damaged rod may not function correctly, potentially leading to issues with the back door's operation, including it failing to lock or open correctly. By choosing a genuine Toyota part, you not only ensure compatibility with your vehicle but also enjoy the confidence provided by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a properly functioning Power Back Door Rod (#85475-0C010) is integral to the efficiency of your vehicle's back door operation and, ultimately, its overall safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85475-0C010

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