Rod Sub-Assembly with Cable & Pi

About this product

The Rod Sub-Assembly with Cable & Pi (#86337-17080) is a vital electrical component within the Antenna system in Toyota vehicles. This part's primary role is to ensure the smooth and effective transmission of signals, contributing to the superior performance of your vehicle's audio systems. It achieves this by creating a conduit for signal transmission through its integrated cable and Pi assembly. The Rod Sub-Assembly with Cable & Pi (#86337-17080), like any other part, has a lifecycle and will need periodic replacement. An aged or malfunctioning part can impede signal transmission, affecting the overall performance of your audio system. Therefore, replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended. These genuine parts maintain compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a fully functional Rod Sub-Assembly with Cable & Pi (#86337-17080) contributes to the enhanced user experience by ensuring the optimal operation of your vehicle's antenna system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86337-17080

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