Accelerator Control Rod Sub-Assembly #2

About this product

The Accelerator Control Rod Sub-Assembly #2 (#78104-89105), a crucial part in the Accelerator Link system, plays a pivotal role in enabling seamless acceleration of your Toyota vehicle. As you press the accelerator pedal, it manipulates the throttle valve to control engine speed. However, over time, the rod may wear out or become clogged, impairing its performance. A degraded or broken Accelerator Control Rod Sub-Assembly #2 (#78104-89105) could lead to inaccurate throttle response, which could affect the vehicle's fuel efficiency or even cause safety issues. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary to maintain optimal vehicle performance. When replacing this part, consider using genuine Toyota parts. They are designed to be compatible with your vehicle and are covered by the Toyota genuine parts warranty. By choosing genuine parts, you contribute to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 78104-89105

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