Transfer Shift Rod Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Transfer Shift Rod Sub-Assembly (#36308-60160), a key Drive-Chassis part in the Transfer Lever & Shift Rod system, plays a central role in managing the gear shifting mechanism in Toyota vehicles. This part works in harmony with the transfer case to allow the driver to switch between various drive modes. Genuine Toyota parts, such as this, are crucial as they provide perfect vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Transfer Shift Rod Sub-Assembly (#36308-60160) becomes worn out, clogged, or non-functional, it can lead to difficulty in changing gears or even complete gear failure, which can drastically affect the vehicle's performance. The Transfer Shift Rod Sub-Assembly (#36308-60160) contributes immensely to the efficiency of the vehicle. It ensures smoother gear transitions, resulting in an improved driving experience and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36308-60160

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