Starter Clutch Roller

About this product

The Starter Clutch Roller (#28228-26040), an essential Engine-Fuel part in the Starter system of Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in facilitating the smooth start of the car. This component allows the engine to turn over by connecting the starter motor to the engine's flywheel only while the ignition key is turned. Using genuine Toyota Starter Clutch Roller (#28228-26040)s is vital for vehicle compatibility, and these genuine parts come with the added assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Starter Clutch Roller (#28228-26040) may wear down, and a worn-out or broken roller can lead to starting problems, placing undue strain on the starter motor and potentially causing a breakdown. Regular replacement of this part is therefore essential to prevent such issues. By contributing to the smooth operation of the Starter system, the Starter Clutch Roller (#28228-26040) enhances the vehicle's overall performance and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 28228-01010;28228-01020;28228-03010
Part Number 28228-26040

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