
About this product

The Rotor (#27330-63041), a critical Engine-Fuel part in the Alternator system, plays a central role in converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. As the engine runs, the rotor spins inside the stator - a stationary coil of wire - generating an electrical current. This current is then used to power the car’s electrical systems and to recharge the battery. However, over time, the rotor can wear out or become damaged. When this happens, your alternator's efficiency diminishes, potentially causing the battery to drain faster and leave the vehicle's electrical systems underpowered. Therefore, periodic replacement of the rotor is crucial. By opting for Toyota genuine parts like the rotor, you not only ensure compatibility with your vehicle but also avail of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Finally, a well-operating rotor is key to the overall efficiency of your vehicle, ensuring the alternator system runs smoothly and safely.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 27330-63040
Part Number 27330-63041

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