Rotor Kit

About this product

The critical Toyota Rotor Kit (#04162-25012), an integral part of the Engine-Fuel system, plays a pivotal role in the Water Pump mechanism. Due to its function, the Rotor Kit (#04162-25012) cools the engine while under operation, ensuring smooth, clean circulation of coolant. This kit is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, emphasizing its durability and compatibility with your vehicle. However, like most engine components, periodic replacement is vital. As Rotor Kit (#04162-25012)s wear or become clogged, they can compromise the car's cooling system. This can lead to engine overheating, resulting in costly damage or significant malfunction. By maintaining and replacing your Rotor Kit (#04162-25012) as needed, you contribute to the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle. Keep in mind, it's always wise to use authentic Toyota parts for best results.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 04162-25011
Part Number 04162-25012

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