
About this product

The Screw (#90075-02052), an important electrical component in the Toyota Headlamp system, is primarily responsible for the secure placement and alignment of the headlamp unit. The Screw (#90075-02052) works by fastening the headlamp unit to the vehicle, maintaining its position and alignment for optimal lighting. Over time, screws may wear out or corrode, potentially leading to a loosening of the headlamp unit. This could result in misaligned lighting, compromising vehicle visibility and safety. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Screw (#90075-02052) is recommended. With genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your Toyota vehicle is optimal, and the parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, it's clear that the Screw (#90075-02052) plays a vital role in maintaining the efficiency of the Headlamp system, contributing to safer driving conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90075-02052

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