Adjusting Screw

About this product

The Adjusting Screw (#81131-62010), a key component in the Headlamp system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a pivotal role in maintaining optimal illumination. This Electrical part enables precise adjustments to the direction of the headlamp beam, allowing for enhanced visibility during night-time driving or inclement weather conditions. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Adjusting Screw (#81131-62010), are designed specifically for your vehicle, offering seamless compatibility and optimum performance. These authentic components are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Adjusting Screw (#81131-62010) may wear out or become damaged, impairing its ability to correctly align the headlamp beam. This could potentially reduce visibility and compromise the safety of the vehicle. Consequently, periodic replacement is essential to maintain a smooth and safe driving experience. In conclusion, the Adjusting Screw (#81131-62010) contributes significantly to the system's overall efficiency and safety by ensuring consistent and optimum headlamp performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81131-62010

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