Hex Lobular Screw

About this product

The Hex Lobular Screw (#90080-14044) is a vital Drive-Chassis component in the Torque Converter, Front Oil Pump & Chain (Atm) system of Toyota vehicles. This auto part primarily ensures the secure joining and fastening of crucial components within the aforementioned system. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining the structural integrity of the system when the vehicle is in motion. As the Hex Lobular Screw (#90080-14044) ages, it may wear down, lose its grip, or even break, leading to instability within the system. This can potentially result in damage to the Torque Converter and Front Oil Pump, disrupting vehicle operation and safety. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which offer vehicle compatibility and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is of utmost importance. Finally, a well-maintained Hex Lobular Screw (#90080-14044) ensures the smooth, efficient running of the Torque Converter, Front Oil Pump & Chain (Atm) system, thereby enhancing overall vehicle safety and performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90148-60027
Part Number 90080-14044

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