Hex Lobular Screw

About this product

The Hex Lobular Screw (#9008414005), a vital part of Toyota's auto parts range, plays an essential role in the Body/Rear Door Lock & Handle and Body/Front Door Lock & Handle systems. This screw secures the lock and handle components in place, thereby enabling smooth operation of the door mechanisms. Over time, the Hex Lobular Screw (#9008414005) may experience wear and tear, necessitating replacement. If overlooked, an aged or broken screw might lead to loose components, potentially compromising the security and functionality of the vehicle doors. By using genuine Toyota parts like the Hex Lobular Screw (#9008414005), vehicle compatibility is maintained. Furthermore, these parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty for added peace of mind. This seemingly simple part is pivotal in maintaining the functionality and safety of the vehicle's door systems.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 69296-48010
Part Number 9008414005

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