Hex Lobular Screw

About this product

The Hex Lobular Screw (#90148-60028) is a crucial component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis part, specifically used in the Front Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system. This screw plays a key role in securing the caliper to the mounting bracket, ensuring steady braking performance. It operates by transferring the applied force from the brake pedal to the calipers, facilitating efficient braking. Over time, the Hex Lobular Screw (#90148-60028) may wear out or get damaged, impeding the stability of the brake caliper. This can lead to compromised braking performance, potentially endangering the vehicle's occupants. Hence, regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts is crucial for maintaining optimal compatibility and performance. All genuine Toyota parts, including the Hex Lobular Screw (#90148-60028), are backed by Toyota's comprehensive parts warranty. By contributing to a well-functioning braking system, this small yet vital component enhances the overall safety and performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 47781-50020;47781-50030;47782-30150;47782-50020;47781-30150;47781-30190;47782-50030;47782-30190
Part Number 90148-60028

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