Hexalobular Screw

About this product

The Hexalobular Screw (#9014880064), a crucial component in Toyota's Body/Front and Rear Door Lock & Handle systems, plays an instrumental role in securing the handle to the door. This screw bolts door handles onto the vehicle, keeping them secure even under the impact of forceful usage. As part of its function, the Hexalobular Screw (#9014880064) engages with other components such as the door handles and lock mechanisms. Over time, the screw may become worn or damaged, leading to loose or malfunctioning door handles. By replacing this part periodically with a genuine Toyota part, compatibility with your vehicle is maintained and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A properly working Hexalobular Screw (#9014880064) increases both the efficiency and safety of your vehicle, ensuring handles and locks are secure and functional.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 61403-04020;61404-04020
Part Number 9014880064

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