Pan Tapping Screw

About this product

The Pan Tapping Screw (#9016740010), an essential component under the Electrical/Front Turn Signal Lamp and Body/Emblem & Name Plate categories, plays a critical role in securing components and ensuring they function correctly. This genuine Toyota auto part, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, maintains compatibility with your vehicle and supports its overall efficiency. The Pan Tapping Screw (#9016740010) works by penetrating and forming threads within the material it is being driven into, creating a firm hold. Over time, the screw may become worn or damaged, compromising its ability to secure the components effectively. When this happens, it's critical to replace the Pan Tapping Screw (#9016740010) to prevent loose components or damage to your vehicle's systems. By maintaining the integrity of the vehicle's components, the Pan Tapping Screw (#9016740010) helps keep systems running smoothly and safely.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 53132-69025;53131-69025;53111-69015;53111-69025;53131-69015;53132-69015
Part Number 90167-40010

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