Battery Seal

About this product

The Battery Seal (#G9289-0R010), a critical part in the Battery & Battery Cable system of your Toyota vehicle, is designed to prevent leaks, helping to maintain the integrity and longevity of the battery. The Battery Seal (#G9289-0R010) works by creating an air-tight environment within the battery system, reducing the risk of harmful substances like acid or water entering or exiting the battery. Neglecting to replace a damaged or worn-out Battery Seal (#G9289-0R010) can lead to battery acid leakage, resulting in premature battery failure and a potential risk of damage to surrounding parts. Genuine Toyota Battery Seal (#G9289-0R010)s are designed for perfect compatibility with your Toyota vehicle, and they're covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Battery Seal (#G9289-0R010)'s role is vital for the safety and efficiency of the vehicle's electrical system. As it keeps the battery secure and leak-free, it ensures optimal performance of your car's electrical components.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G9289-0R010

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