Seal(Damping Sh)

About this product

The Seal (Damping Sh) is a crucial component in the Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube system of the Drive-Chassis category, designed to enhance the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle. Its primary role involves maintaining appropriate pressure levels within the brake booster system, thereby ensuring optimal brake performance. This seal operates in conjunction with other components in the brake booster, forming a sealing barrier to prevent air leaks. Over time, the Seal (Damping Sh) may become worn, clogged, or broken, which may significantly compromise its functionality. In such cases, the brake system's performance may be hindered, leading to potential safety risks. Therefore, periodic replacement of this component is advised. Opting for genuine Toyota parts not only enhances vehicle compatibility but also affords you the protection of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Seal (Damping Sh) is instrumental in maintaining the overall efficiency and safety of the brake system, making it indispensable for smooth and safe driving.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-08834

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