Dust Seal

About this product

The Dust Seal (#90303-13018), in the Drive Chassis category, plays a crucial role in the Power Take-Off Case & Gear system of Toyota vehicles. This auto part's primary purpose is to prevent dust and debris from entering the system, thus allowing the gears to operate smoothly. As the vehicle moves, the Dust Seal (#90303-13018) forms a barricade against external contaminants, maintaining the integrity of the system's internal components. However, over time, the Dust Seal (#90303-13018) can become worn out, clogged, or damaged, impairing its function. This can lead to dust and debris infiltration, potentially causing damage to the gears and impeding the system's efficiency. Therefore, it's vital to replace the Dust Seal (#90303-13018) periodically. Toyota's genuine Dust Seal (#90303-13018)s are designed to fit perfectly with your vehicle, enhancing compatibility and performance. Furthermore, these genuine parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining a clean, dust-free environment for the gears, the Dust Seal (#90303-13018) significantly contributes to the safety and efficiency of the Power Take-Off Case & Gear system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90303-13018

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