Front Air Shutter Seal Right Hand

About this product

The Front Air Shutter Seal Right Hand (#55735-52050), a vital component in Toyota’s Cowl Panel & Windshield Glass system, serves a primary role in maintaining an airtight seal between the body of the car and the cowl panel. This seal helps regulate the flow of air and redirects rainwater away from the windshield, enhancing visibility during inclement weather. Genuine Toyota parts like the Front Air Shutter Seal Right Hand (#55735-52050), uphold the vehicle's compatibility and performance. As the seal ages, it could potentially lose its elasticity or become cracked, potentially causing leaks and compromising the overall system's effectiveness. Consequently, regular replacement is necessary, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, a well-functioning Front Air Shutter Seal Right Hand (#55735-52050) contributes to safety and efficiency by securing the car's interior against external elements and ensuring optimal windshield clarity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55735-52050

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