Front Body Pillar To Front Fender Seal Right Hand

About this product

The Front Body Pillar To Front Fender Seal Right Hand (#61118-35010) is a significant component in the Hood & Front Fender system, playing a notable role in maintaining the vehicle's structural integrity and safety. This auto part works to seal the gap between the body pillar and the front fender, preventing the intrusion of unwanted elements like water, dust, and air. Over time, these seals may wear out or break down, necessitating their replacement. Utilizing genuine Toyota Autoparts for such replacements not only offers great vehicle compatibility but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Failure to replace old or non-functional seals could lead to rusting and corrosion, which undermines the vehicle's durability and safety. Thus, this small yet significant part contributes to the vehicle's overall efficiency by preserving its structural strength and integrity, ultimately ensuring a long-lasting, safe driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61118-35010

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