Front Fender To Frame Seal #1

About this product

The Front Fender To Frame Seal #1 (#53736-89130), a crucial body part in the Front Fender Apron & Dash Panel system, plays a vital role in sealing the gap between the fender and frame of your Toyota vehicle. During operation, it acts as a barrier that keeps out dust, dirt, and moisture, preventing them from entering and potentially damaging the internal components of your vehicle. Just like any other parts, the Front Fender To Frame Seal #1 (#53736-89130) is not immune to wear and tear, and eventually requires replacement. Neglecting to replace a worn or damaged seal could lead to the intrusion of unwanted elements, exposing your vehicle to potential corrosion or other damage. Using genuine Toyota parts, like our Front Fender To Frame Seal #1 (#53736-89130), will ensure compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, our parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This particular auto part significantly contributes to your vehicle's efficiency by preserving the condition and functionality of the frame and fender, thereby enhancing your vehicle's overall safety while in operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 53736-89131
Part Number 53736-89130

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