Headlamp Seal

About this product

The Headlamp Seal (#81192-50010), a key component in Toyota's Body Caution Plate and Electrical Headlamp systems, is primarily tasked with safeguarding the headlamp assembly from the ingress of moisture, dust, and debris. This genuine Toyota part is ideal for vehicle compatibility, as its unique design allows it to function seamlessly within the integrated system. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, the Headlamp Seal (#81192-50010) provides an added layer of reliability and assurance. Over time, the Headlamp Seal (#81192-50010) may deteriorate, become clogged or suffer damage, impeding its ability to protect the headlamp. This may expose the headlamp to elements that could potentially compromise its performance, affecting visibility and safety. Replacement at regular intervals helps to maintain the headlamp's optimal functioning, contributing to the overall safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81192-50010

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