Hood To Radiator Grille Seal

About this product

The Hood To Radiator Grille Seal (#53395-42011), a vital component in Toyota's Hood & Front Fender system, plays a crucial role in preventing dirt, debris, and external elements from entering the radiator area. This auto part, working seamlessly within the system, safeguards the radiator and engine, contributing to the overall performance and safety of your vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Hood To Radiator Grille Seal (#53395-42011), are designed to fit your vehicle perfectly, and they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. An old or non-functional seal can allow harmful elements into your radiator area, potentially damaging the engine and radiator. Hence, periodic replacement is critical. A well-functioning seal, in turn, contributes to the efficiency of the engine by maintaining optimal operating conditions, preserving your vehicle's performance and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 53395-42011

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