Hood To Radiator Support Seal

About this product

The Hood To Radiator Support Seal (#53381-89104), a critical component in Toyota's Body Hood & Front Fender and Electrical Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Piping systems, serves a dual function. It guards against the ingress of dirt and debris, while also aiding in the efficient cooling of the engine by facilitating optimal airflow. Genuine Toyota parts are crucial for compatibility, and this seal is no exception. If left unchecked, an aged or faulty seal may lead to excessive dirt buildup or inadequate cooling, both of which can cause detrimental effects on the vehicle’s systems. It is therefore necessary to routinely replace this part, ensuring your vehicle continues to operate smoothly. Also, Toyota's genuine parts warranty supports this part. This seal's role enhances the overall system efficiency and contributes to the safety and longevity of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 53381-04010
Part Number 53381-89104

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